Show #307 (Live from METAL NIGHT at Once in Somerville, MA)
Recorded live on November 07, 2017
This was part of a 3hr broadcast, but only the 1hr Black Metal portion was archived.
1) Satyricon - In The Mist By The Hills
2) Kroda - The Beginning of Whiter Night of Oskorei
3) Malum - Awakening of the Black Flame
4) Kryphos - Jesus Devouring One of His Apostle
5) Strix - Sanguis Veneficii
6) Nosvrolok - Silent Tomb
7) Ululatum Tollunt - Serpentine Despoilers
8) Crurifragium - Unfurl the Banners of Evil
9) Demoncy - Spawn of the Ancient Summoning
10) Xibalba - In Deamones Imperium
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