Show #357 - 01-08-19 - Best of 2018 : Demos
Recorded live on January 08, 2019
Featuring tracks from my top Demo picks of 2018.
1) Kostnatění - Zlato a stříbro
2) NyreDolk - Kødæder
3) Kryptamok - Kirous
4) Afvallige - Wanneer de zon zwart kleurt
5) Âme Perdue - Âme Perdue
6) Skrawl - Raid
7) Μνήμα - The Remains of Human Bones
8) Alruna - Relieving The Altar
9) Estve - Vérző horizont
10) Hag Graef - Arboreal Air Burst
11) Candlewolf Disciple - Chants Of Desecration For The Five Chapels
12) Hulder - Bestial Form of Humanity
**Additional favorites not played during the broadcast**
:: Ildaruni - Towards Subterranean Realms
:: Blasphamagoatachrist - Black Metal Warfare
:: Ad Mortem - Supreme Pestilence
:: Dominus Mortis - Demo 2018
:: Ködfolt - Demo I
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