Show #387
Recorded live on August 13, 2019
Special background music from OURS - :: La Source Magnifique :: (ou Comment revivre les siècles splendides)
1) Abysmal Lord - Nuclear Absolution
2) Automb - Call of Hekate
3) Obsidian Tongue - Hyper-Dimensional Blood Lotus
4) Lightcrusher - Toblakai's Witness
5) Withering Moon - Poisoned By The Animosity Of Abstemiousness
6) Drastus - Occisor
7) Aubzagl - Varaha
8) Aeon Winds - Dawn of the Untamed Moon
9) Grima - Blizzard
10) Iku-Turso - Winterwoods
Live every Tuesday at 9pm EST on