Show #407 - Best of 2019 : Demos
Recorded live on January 07, 2020
The first of several 'Best of' specials. First up, demos!
This playlist contains some of my favorites from 2019, full list at the bottom.
Special background music from Whoredom Rife - Vinternatt
1) Bovary - ...Irrécupérable
2) Hinterkaifeck - III
3) Kveldriđa - Algid Famine
4) Euphor - Forgotten Paragons
5) Feral Spectre - Mammon
6) Withering Moon - Poisoned By The Animosity Of Abstemiousness
7) Staurophagia - When the Gods Came Down
8) Heinous - Disciple Of Satan
9) Mäleficentt - In My Dreams.. Part II
10) Vulvanic - Once Upon a Woman
11) Fayenne - Warmonger
Live every Tuesday at 9pm EST on
**Full list of favorite demos from 2019 **
1) Bovary - Sur ce Mur trop souillé
2) Euphor - Euphor
3) Fayenne - Ancient Womb of Mercury
4) Belshazzar - Holy Blood
5) Talmas - The Cruel Age of Talmas
6) Heinous - Demo I
7) Withering Moon - Withering Moon
8) Skrawl - Nil
9) Hinterkaifeck - Live Promo Tape
10) Feral Spectre - Crepuscular Evil
11) Vulvanic - ブラックエンジェルの色合い
12) Staurophagia - Sacrifice of the Wind
13) Baxaxaxa - The Old Evil Demo
14) Vintlechkeit - Svartskogen, Svartvinter...
15) Mäleficentt - Night of the Spectral Vision
16) Kveldriđa - Shrouded Firmament
17) Ride for Revenge - Demo 9/2019
18) Szivilizs - Ds Tagtroumschtärbä
19) Geheimnisvoll - Venomous Sorcery Through Hidden Darkness
20) Pierre Noir - Licantropia is the relationship of the barbarized mankind