Show #449 - SteelChaos special
Recorded live from my house on October 27, 2020
Featuring artists performing at this year's SteelChaos festival.
More info:
Special background music from Faavnesbane - Ære og Trufastheit
1) White Death - II
2) Azaghal - De Vermis Mysteriis
3) Lord of Pagathorn - The Spirit Of Perversion
4) Azazel - The Night of Satanachia
5) Kalmankantaja - Uhri
6) Thyrane - Sacrifires
7) Impaled Nazarene - I Al Purg Vompo / My Blessing (The Beginning Of The End)
8) Morgal - Käärmesielu
9) Barathrum - Spears of Sodom
10) Archgoat - Nuns, Cunts and Darkness (live)
Live every Tuesday at 9pm EST on