521 - Recorded live on April 19, 2022
Ambience for the night: Hermann Nitsch - Orgelkonzert Jesuitenkirche 2013
1) Faceless Entity - A Growing Void
2) Faruln - The Barren Rage of Death's Eternal Cold
3) Demonic - Spell Of The Witchdemon
4) Brethren - Trap and Kill
5) Valley of Hades - A Pathetic Acceptance of Pain
6) Kaatayra - Só Quem Viu o Relâmpago à Sua Direita Sabe
7) Vér - Heed My Call
8) Aucun - Curses Reclaimed Through Endless Ceremony
9) Certain Sacrifice - Streams of Imbolc
10) Lifvsleda - Evigheten
Live every Tuesday at 9pm ET on BostonFreeRadio.com